Learn More About Safe Retirement

We have the information and tools you need to learn as much as possible about what it means to retire safely!

BlackRock Income Study 2024

BlackRock commissioned a study in 2024 that proves most people need a lifetime annuity for income payments.

2024 Retirement Roadmap

Use this roadmap to ensure you are on-track for a safe and secure retirement with to-do lists by age.

What's New for 2024

Stay ahead of the curve with recent updates to retirement plans, taxes and Social Security from our guru, Heather L. Schreiber, RICP® NSSA®.

WSJ Smart Money Magazine

The Wall Street Journal's Smart Money Magazine published this article in July 2011. It discusses how retirees should be looking at having more annuities and less stocks.

Crisis In Retirement Planning

This article by MIT and Harvard professor and Nobel Prize winner Robert Merton discusses what you can do to avoid a crisis in your retirement.

Guaranteed Income - Life

The Chief Academic Officer from the American College of Financial Services, Michale Finke, PhD, wrote this article in 2018. It discusses how Guaranteed Lifetime Income works. 

Wade Pfau on the 4% Rule

In an April 2020 article, Professor Wade Pfau, PhD, discusses the 4% rule, cautioning retirees against over-relying on their investment portfolios. He highlights how annuities can be a valuable tool to mitigate this risk.

GLIS Study

This is an annual study that explores the attitudes of consumers about the value of Guaranteed Lifetime Income. This is a study from '19 and discusses key finding for retirees to consider.

What Will Your EX Say?

This insightful article discusses what your current advisor might say when you decide to move to a Safe Money Retirement plan.

Retirement Protection

This flier from the Alliance for Lifetime Income goes into depth on research that shows that a protected lifetime income can lead to a more enjoyable nd happy retirement. Very interesting info for retirees.

Dr. Ibbotson on FIA's

World-renowned economist Roger G. Ibbotson, PhD, discusses in great detail how Fixed Indexed Annuities work and how they can work for you.

Guide to Indexed Annuities

This is a guide to Indexed Annuities published by the National Association for Fixed Annuities. Great history and details inside!

Safe Money Guide

This short booklet was created by GVA, Inc and describes how various types of annuities can help create your own Safe Money Retirement.

NAIC Buyers Guide for Deferred Annuities

This document was created by the NAIC and is distributed with every annuity purchased across the USA.

WSJ Smart Money Secret

This 2005 article from the Wall Street Journal talks about the keys to happiness in retirement and how to achieve them.

Wealth in Retirement

This article written by Tim Wood for Annuity.com explains how to have true wealth in retirement and what that means.

Baby Boomer Retirement Crisis

In this Barron's article from 2023, the author discusses many of the challenges facing today's retirees and some potential solutions.

Secure Act 2.0

This article from Ed Slott's Elite IRA Advisor Group talks about specific changes that the new Secure 2.0 law enacts.

Befriend the Enemies of Retirement

This Forbes article from 2023 discusses how annuities can help overcome many of the risks in retirement.

The Break-Even Burden

This informative chart shows what percentage of gains are needed to overcome losses sustained in the market.

S&P vs FIA Chart

This chart demonstrates how the S&P compares to a Fixed Indexed Annuity since 1998.

Social Security Claiming Guide

This well-presented guide helps clients determine the best time to start claiming their Social Security benefits.

The Reallocation Factor

This article written by Tim Wood for Annuity.com describes how reallocation and diversification can be achieved in a growth plan.